Staying Cool

Skitter and I stayed in the house—and out of the heat—yesterday. An outside temperature of 102 in mid-June is not our kind of thing. We did talk about getting in the pool, but the HOA does not allow Skitter to do that—despite the fact that Skitter is a much friendlier resident than the wacko lady a few doors away, who seems to think she is the HOA Rule Monitor. I have no doubt the old bat always has a notebook handy, in which she constantly logs alleged rule infractions committed by neighborhood residents who have better things to do than keep tabs on everybody else’s garbage can placement. While the rest of us live our lives, the HOA rules seem to BE her life. To each, her own. God bless her.

Skitter took charge of snapping TIE O’ THE DAY photos this morning. Personally, I think she’s making great strides with her selfie photography skills. She’s wearing one of her new summer-y ties, which she sneakily ordered on my Amazon account without my knowledge or permission. (Note to self: change Amazon account password.) I chose to pair my houndstooth floppy Bow Tie o’ the Day with this flowery shirt to achieve some middling clash. This bow tie goes with anything. Or nothing. Either way, it’s a key piece of my collection.

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