The Skit and I have lounged around the house in our Ties o’ the Day, looking out the tall windows at the falling snow. And occasionally, Skitter has ventured out to color the snow yellow. She’s a vibrant abstract artist. And then the falling snow puts down another layer of canvas for her, and out she goes again to show off more of her artistic genius. I have never seen an artist work so brilliantly with only one color. You, go, Skitter van Dogh!
I love today’s photos, especially the one in which my eyes are closed. It doesn’t matter that it’s blurry. There is no misinterpretation of these pix. Despite Skitter’s skittishness about everything and everybody in the universe, she is no longer hesitant to put aside her fear, and love me enough to give me a stinky smooch. And the ties and I kinda like her, too.
Love the clip-on ties! Skitter looks dapper!