My Wallet Lost Weight

Bow Tie o’ one Day in Taos has been in my collection for almost two years, but I think this is the first time I have actually worn it. It was formed in hard plastic, on a 3D printer. It clips on to a shirt button. Very modern.

As Suzanne and I art gallery-hopped in Taos, we ran across this shop. Gems, fossils, jewelry, art pieces. I tried to point Suzanne in any other direction, and hope she didn’t see the place. Alas! She had seen the shop and was headed straight to its front door before I could distract her. I knew it would be my doom, and it was.

As we were perusing the jewelry, we came upon a section of amber creations. Suzanne said, “I love amber.” Now let me be clear to all you readers: I have known Suzanne since September of 1983, and I have never heard her say anything about feeling one way or the other about amber. I don’t think I’ve ever heard her even say the word “amber” in all those years— not even in reference to the amber crayon in the bigly Crayola crayon box.

But if she truly likes amber, there’s a lot of Suzanne-doesn’t-have-any-amber to make up for. Suzanne deserves whatever she wants, so before I could think logically with my wallet’s brain, I said, “Let me buy you some amber jewelry.” Slap my mouth, wouldja!

Long story, short. Suzanne picked out an amber pendant the same size as my truck engine. And she also walked away with two rings with amber stones— because she couldn’t decide which of the two rings she liked more. I think her inability to decide was a trick. And why do I think it was a trick? Because she found a nifty purse at another shop the same day, but she couldn’t decide between two different colors of the same purse. Yes, I got both of them for her. And it made me happy and poor to do it.

FYI for Suzanne only: I know you bought me stuff too while we were on vacay. My TIE O’ THE DAY readers know better than to think you are playin’ me for my millions. 😉

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