Liquor Stores Can Be Fun

Suzanne has an annual get-together with her Champagne Garden Club gals later this week, so we had to take a jaunt to gather plenty of champagne for their retreat. We had never been to the new state liquor store in Farmington before, so off we flew to see what it was like. The new liquor store is so shiny and pristine that I swear it still has that new car smell to it.

While Suzanne made her potation selections, I amused myself by finding a theme to follow as I wandered the aisles. As a daughter of St. Ron, The Beekeeper, I decided to sniff out honey. After my research, I can attest it is a verifiable fact that current vintners and brewers are using more honey in their new-fangled concoctions than ever before. I was finding honey used as an exotic ingredient in almost every ilk of alcoholic beverage in the liquor store. Honey is trending right now.

Bow Tie o’ the Day and I settled most of our liquor store selfies on various offerings of honey-imbued whiskey. Y’all can see honey whiskeys in the first three pix of this post. But wait! I also found a couple of peanut butter-flavored whiskeys. Y’all can see the PB whiskeys in the last two shots.

If you put those two flavors of whiskey together with a fine red wine (the jelly) and a heavily yeasty brewski (the bread), you’ve got the alcohol version of a PB and J w/ H sandwich. 🥜🍯🍇🍞

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