As soon as we got our suitcases into our condo here in Taos, we headed off to the grocery store. Our goal: fill the condo fridge and cupboards. At the local Albertson’s, we skated the aisles in search of vacation food, which is basically any food that has no nutritional value. We found plenty of empty calories to supply us through our stay.
In this photo, paisley-covered wood Bow Tie o’ the Day poses with me in the school/office supplies aisle of the Taos Albertson’s. No matter how exotic or exciting our vacay destination might be, if we’re in an establishment which sells even one school/office supply, Suzanne and I find ourselves standing there, staring with awe at whatever school/office product it is. Writing paper and writing utensils R us.
In fact, if Suzanne and I get separated while we’re wandering around seeing sights, we each know to find the nearest gathering of school/office supplies. We know that eventually we’ll both show up in that exact spot, staring at some sticky notes or a pen we already have too many of.