It’s Your Right To Unfriend Anyone, But Please Don’t

Bow Tie o the Day is one of the first acquisitions for my extensive neckwear collection. I love it as much as the first day I brought it home to The Tie Room. And speaking of love… I was recently unfriended by a Facebook/life-long pal because I posted that pic of me getting an after-brunch kiss on a SLC sidewalk last Sunday. Did my FB Friend really not know about me and the famous Suzanne? Was that photo over the top? Hey, I am who I have always been– and will always be. Some things aren’t changeable anyway. I haven’t changed. But, evidently, my life-long pal has changed. So kiss my…cheek! With lipstick on. Suzanne does it all the time. And BTW, I still love my lost FB Friend. There’s room for all of God’s children on the Ark O’ Folks. Jesus preached that simplest, truest message. But in slightly different words.


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