Once again, it is my fashion honor to proclaim that paisley is one of The Style Wonders of the World—right up there with argyle and polka dots. I’m sure you can tell from how often you’ve heard me rave about it, that paisley has given deep meaning to my life. I can’t explain it. It’s just such a cool design. In a world full of pandemics and hate, paisley never lets me down. Maybe that’s a bit of an overstatement, but I’m stickin’ to it.
Paisley wood Bow Tie o’ the Day is but one more piece of proof for your eyes that paisley rules. Bow Tie is the newest acquisition in my collection, and I’m sure there will be more paisley pieces to come. Even though I feel like I’m pretty much done building up my neckwear collection, there will always be room for one more paisley-pattern item. A paisle (singular for “paisley”) a day, keeps my bipolarity away. Okay, that clearly was hyperbole.