I Can Hear Me Now

Finally! You can see it here atop my Spock ear: I have a new left hearing aid, as of this morning. Bow Tie o’ the Day and I spent a couple of hours at my hearing doc’s, getting both of my hearing aids synchronized and apped up with my phone. My hearing doc also gave me a new phone app for managing my tinnitus. Since there is no cure for it, I need to work on coping with it. I’m willing to give it a try.

I just had a thought—or, I mean, a question. Am I the only one who gets tired of having to cope with things? I’m certain I am not, but I bet it feels like a lonely endeavor to most of us when we’re doing it. Sometimes I think, “Hey, I’ve coped, and bent, and adjusted, and been understanding enough for one lifetime. I’m done coping with everyone and every situation. It’s time for all humanity to learn to cope with me.” And then I think how ridiculous it is for me to appoint myself the center of the universe, and to demand that the universe should serve me, me, me. Still, it would be nice to exist in a perfect state of well being for ten minutes, occasionally. But I’m not into pity parties, for me or anyone else. So onward, we go—into The Land of Coping With Whatever Comes Along.

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