Ties o’ the Day– and Skitter– were the first to put their butts on the reclining loveseat that came to live with us this morning. All I did was walk the delivery dudes to the door, and by the time I got back to the living room to try out this new piece o’ furniture, these selfish things were already seated and asleep. Dang! I’m the one who’s supposed to take it easy for a couple more months! I would feel differently about it if Ties and Skitter had chipped in a buck or two or a thousand to pay for the loveseat. Quite frankly, I feel used. Really, though, my behind is just jealous and can’t wait for Ties and Skitter to wake up, so it can have a very long turn at reclining. I thought about dragging the furniture-hoggers off the thing, but I was taught to let sleeping dogs– and sleeping ties–lie. I was raised right. I was not raised in a barn. I was raised in a bee warehouse. 🛋 🐝