Hula Ties Gone Wild

Tie o’ the Day #2 is a CHAPS gem. A coral tie with hula girls on it can never be a wrong thing to wear. And it looks extra groovy while paired with this Urban Pipeline short-sleeved button-down. The shirt has got yer palm trees, yer VW vans, yer umbrella drinks, yer sunglasses, etc. Wahoooooo!

Summer is within reach, tbloglodytes. Spring chilliness, rain, and the stupid wind exist to remind us to count our summer blessings when the tank top days finally arrive. Yes, it will start to get way too hot, and we will gripe about that. But then we’ll remember winter’s freeze-and-fog air, and then we should kiss the burning sidewalks in gratitude for the over-the-top heat. No more b-r-r-r-r-r!

Wanna live a happy life? Be present, wherever you are–no matter the climate or season. And be grateful and make some joy, in whatever presence you happen to inhabit at that moment in the eternal scheme.

One Reply to “Hula Ties Gone Wild”

  1. Hawaiian clash particularly refreshing. Ah …

    Amen to being present with gratitude and joyfulness. Om …

    Some clash fashion unsettling to me; this one peaceful. Zzz …

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