Half My Hearing Is Still Lost

It’s been two weeks since my left hearing aid disappeared. I’ve emptied the ShopVac and searched its contents twice. I have searched nooks and crannies I never even knew existed in this house before now, but to no avail. My left ear is still empty. I now hear lopsided.

Tomorrow, I have a previously scheduled appointment with my hearing doctor. I’ve been contemplating giving up the search and giving in to buy a new left hearing aid. I think it’s time. If I haven’t run across the device after two weeks of living my usual life, in all my usual places, I doubt I’m going to one day just happen upon it in one of my pockets or something.

When I first realized my hearing aid was probably truly lost, I thought I could probably just buck up and go without replacing it. To my amazement, I have found that when sitting two feet to the right of Suzanne on the love seat, I see her lips move but can’t hear a thing above a mumble of a mumble. If I’m not looking at her directly when she talks from my left side, I don’t detect she’s talking to me. I cannot imagine what juicy tidbits of information I’ve missed out on in the past two weeks, but I’m certain I’ve probably missed out on numerous to-do items she’s assigned me. Now that I think about it, I suppose that’s the bigly argument for why I shouldn’t replace my left hearing aid. 🙀

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