Channeling My Inner Bigfoot

As you can see, Bow Tie o’ the Day and I have been thumbing through VOGUE magazine this morning. I don’t have any parties or award shows to attend during the pandemic, but you know I’m forever the fashion maven—always checking in with the current trends and styles. As I’m certain y’all know by now, I take fashion and TIE O’ THE DAY posts very seriously.

I can’t explain why the “suit” in this photo is being used by VOGUE photographers to showcase expensive handbags, but the designers’ ad concept was oddly prophetic. They could not have foreseen the pandemic when they dreamed up ideas for this photo session, but I think they might be onto something. The TYVEK hazmatty suits are uninteresting to look at. I don’t know about you, but when I make my occasional supply runs to DICK’S MARKET, I’d rather sport a dapper, dreadlocks Sasquatch outfit like this than to wear a plain old, bright white TYVEK suit with boring, single-color rubber gloves. And do you know the best part about walking the grocery store aisles, looking like a dreadlocked Bigfoot? Ain’t nobody gonna fight you for the last roll of toilet paper, nor will anybody attempt to encroach upon your precious social distancing space.

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