And Pretend This Is A Title


There’s nothing to look at here.

Tie o’ the Day and I have discovered we’re magic. We can post a picture on our website, and it will post everywhere in the universe– except on the website and Facebook. I can no longer put photos into my site’s media library. Suzanne and I spent a big hunk o’ yesterday troubleshooting my technology speed bumps– which means Suzanne tried to find the problem and fix it, while I wept, wailed, railed, and carried around a few balloons for the pity party I was having.

[I cannot sufficiently convey to you how big a deal TIE O’ THE DAY is to me. It’s medicine to my far-too-dark brain. The idea of creating it gets me and my bipolar brain out of bed some days. It’s an hour of holiday from the routine– twice a day. I need this website kink remedied ASAP.]

I am a patient person–except when it comes to stuff that “breaks” when nobody did anything to it. I changed no settings on the website. The site was not hacked. I didn’t touch any buttons that I don’t normally touch. And Suzanne will tell you that I am such a technotard that I make sure I touch as few buttons as I absolutely have to. I did nothing different from usual, and now my beloved will not let me upload photos, for some still undiagnosed reason.

This website snafu comes on the heels of last week’s, Silent Text Alert Issue. I kept not-hearing text alerts from my Sister Who Wishes To Remain Nameless. I thought my hearing aid might have been on the fritz, but I could hear every noise in the house. Heck, I could hear Skitter’s back tooth decaying.

Seriously, I can hear every rinky-dink alert and sound on my phone– except text alerts from my SWWTRN. I can hear the flippin’ iPhone breathe! But I can’t hear the text alert I assigned to my SWWTRN. And believe me, I chose her personal alert to be overly loud and annoyingly obnoxious, so I’ll never miss a single one of her texts. I have tried to fix it, but according to the phone itself, everything is working a-ok. And get this– I chose the same alert sound to announce her phone calls, and I hear it loud and oh-so clear when she calls. (Yes, I’ve tried other sounds. No text alert sound attached to her contact can be heard.)

When I couldn’t fix my text alert issue, I threw my signature ticked-off party, my woe-is-me party. Sometimes I even throw my I’m-stoopid-cuz-I-can’t-figure-this-out party. Believe me, I can throw ill-tempered parties. And frankly, my parties generally happen because of technology– whether I understand the technology or not. Inevitably, Suzanne rides in on the Horse o’ Level-headedness and conquers The Beast o’ Techno Glitches. Suzanne always wins.

But she hasn’t finished off these two problems yet, as of this morning. Since neither the website nor the phone text malfunctions are completely solved, guess what Suzanne will be doing for Labor Day? And you know dang well I’ll be partying. I’ll be enjoying my pity party like it’s 1999. Along with the balloons, I’ll bring some cheese to go along with the barrels o’ whine I bring to my party. Feel free to stop by for the shindig.


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