A Breather And Weight

If you’re a regular reader of these posts, you know that although Suzanne and I have been a thing since 1985, we took a break from each other for a few years– during which time we made our biggest relationship mistakes on other people, instead of on each other. (That’s sort of a joke, but not completely.) I spent most of my break on the other side of the country.

I ended up teaching in Maryland in the 90’s. (I’ll explain how that happened in a future post.) While I lived there, for a year or two I had the long hair you see on these ID’s. I should have been wearing Bow Ties o’ the Day back then, which would have made my whole look more hip, but I hadn’t had the complete neckwear conversion quite yet. Despite what you see in the pix on these ID cards, my hair actually looked nifty. I wore it in a ponytail, which made me blonde from the back. I have no idea why my hairs weren’t ponytailed in these photos. Kinda scary, eh?

That extra poundage of fat you see on my face in the ID snapshots is the kind of weight I call the-extra-ten-pounds-of-fat-you-gain-when-you’re-living-with-someone-you-know-you’re-going-to-leave-soon-but-you-haven’t-yet-been-able-to-extricate-yourself-from-their-evil-tentacles fat. Yeah, that kind of fat.

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