A Fave Quote About How To Live A Good Life

Sometimes a stray Primary song wafts its way through my brain, and I mine its lyrics to find stalwart shards of wisdom. Do not be dissuaded from paying keen attention, by the fact that a message hails from a mere children’s song: simplicity can often rule the day. In any situation, there is always time and space to heed this tiny nugget with huge implications. I hope you can memorize it for future use. Here it is:


—a profound quote from the little stream

I most assuredly cannot improve on that directive for us all, which comes straight from the water’s mouth. 🌊 (Pretend the emoji is a stream, not a tsunami.)

FYI If you don’t “get” this post, ask a Mormon.


I was all set up to construct a full-blown TIE O’ THE DAY selfie and tale. My laptop was open and possible post ideas were parading through my brain, when I made the mistake of casting my gaze towards the mountains. This is what I saw. No, it’s not raining. It’s not foggy or smoggy either. Clearly (pun intended), our windows are in dire need of a thorough cleaning. I have surely shirked my window-cleaning duties. Bad housewife! It’s odd how things like this sneak up on you. The windows are fine, fine, fine—and all of a sudden, they more closely resemble privacy glass. I swear the windows were clean yesterday, but of course they must not have been. Once you see the problem, you can’t un-see it. And so, I am compelled to put thoughts of neckwear away right now. I must scrub the windows until I can once again see the obvious mountains so near our abode. They are pretty bigly things to not be able to see. ⛰