This is my non-paisley new shirt. It came folded and boxed to my front porch, with an added bonus: a cardboard Tie o’ the Day stuck in its collar. A loud shirt and a flimsy tie! All in one package! Wahoo! (There were also free pins in the folded shirt, but I refuse to wear those. I gifted them to Suzanne’s pin cushion, so she can share in the fruits of my bigly bonus, too.) I am certainly a passionate and complicated gal, but—as you can tell—I am a very, very, very easy gal to please. Indeed, sometimes I am positive that The Secret o’ Life is for each one of us to simply regard the unexpected, silly things that cross our paths as if they are full-blown prizes—meant for each of us to find and share widely with those around us.📍👔📍🙌 👏🏻👌😲😃 Hey, it beats poisoning your soul thinking life’s nothing more than a dumpster fire at the site of a train wreck. 🗑🔥🚃
A Thought For Today, From TO’TD
TIE O’ THE DAY presents an important quote to ponder upon:
Just sayin’.