I’m Usually A Patient Patient

Chartres-inspired Bow Tie o’ the Day is one of the few clip-on bow ties in my collection. When I played church softball as a kid, I used to wear clip-on bow ties on my softball shirts. Unfortunately, those clip-on bow ties got lost somewhere in the many moves I have made in my life. I hope whoever found them, enjoys them as much as I did.

Anyhoo… Please be aware that I have hit my top nerve, folks. My patience runneth over, and it runneth over anything in my way. I have been waiting patiently since last Friday afternoon for a call to schedule my next medical procedure. I’m doing fine handling my Hanky Panky’s current level of pain, but I don’t want to handle it for one minute more than I absolutely have to. The sooner the procedure’s scheduled, the sooner it’s done. I now impatiently scream to the world, “Let’s get this lithotripsy on the road!” I’m usually very nice about these kinds of things, because I know the world doesn’t—and shouldn’t—revolve around me. However, my patience began to boil, so I made a couple of calls yesterday—with my serious-as-heck voice—and I was told I’d get a call to finalize the scheduling today. Well, it’s today, and it’s 4:30 PM, and I haven’t even received a junk call about my auto warranty.