Gangsta Wrap

Bow Tie o’ the Day displays Billy Bob Thornton from BAD SANTA. Santa-hatted kitty Tie o’ the Day harks from the movie too. Santa and Rudolph are listening to some rap tunes and getting their boogie on. On the other side of our Tie o’ the Day showcase, we’ve got snowflakes, candy canes, and candy cane-colored stripes. Finally, straight down the middle, is our reminder Tie o’ the Day from the Gangsta Wrappin’ Rudolph to get those gifts wrapped ASAP. Time is running out to set out the haul securely under the tree. (Make sure you see the gold $-sign bling on Gangsta Wrapper Rudolph’s neck. FYI I get a thrill out of tiny details.)

Folks, if you’re partaking of alcoholic beverages while celebrating tonight, please use a designated driver on your travels. Don’t forget your mittens and your masks, people. Be safe in your merriness! 🎄

FYI I’ll be posting a quick TIE O’ THE DAY message at midnight tonight, so if you’re awake and want to see more holiday ties before morning, give it a look-see.

Holiday Tie Tally: 182 Neckties. 71 Bow Ties.

#hohoho #bejollywhileyouwearthedangmask

Christmas Tree Ties

I’m sure you know the snowman/dog Tie o’ the Day is my fave of these Christmas tree-theme ties. It’s also refreshing to see decked-out cacti and palm trees. Even the table-top tree is represented with the Christmas tree-in-a-red-Solo-cup, on the darkest blue tie. Santa’s lugging his tree home.Thanks for the 7th Anniversary wishes yesterday. I relayed them to Suzanne, and she sends her thanks too. I know I said I would regale y’all today with the details of our celebration, but our schedule had to change at the last minute, so we won’t be finished with what I had planned until next week. We had a splendid day together anyway, as per every day. I’ll update you as soon as our anniversary mission is accomplished.

Holiday Tie Tally: 177 Neckties. 70 Bow Ties.


And One Day The Pigs Really Did Fly

7 years ago, we were finally able to get legally hitched. The minute we could, we did. Our very own American Gothic—here we are now! Some people believe in guardian angels. I believe our guardian angels are winged pigs in flight, and I appreciate each one hovering over us.

I’m taking today off for our 7th Anniversary, but I will post our celebration exploits tomorrow.

Holiday Tie Tally: 172 Neckties. 70 Bow Ties.

More Dog Days O’ Christmas Ties

Honestly, I am pre-occupied with more than my holiday Ties/Bow Ties o’ the Day today. It’s our 7th legal anniversary tomorrow, and—for the first time—we won’t be going out on the town for a high-falutin’ celebration. It will be a low-falutin’ pandemic anniversary, and I am busy putting together what I hope will be a memorable menu and floorshow for the occasion. Wish me luck, y’all.❣️

Helen’s Holiday Tie Tally: 171 Neckties. 70 Bow Ties.

Skitter’s Holiday Tie Tally: 20 Neckties.

#amaskadaykeepsthenovelcoronavirusaway #wearthedangmask #washyourdanghands #yourdangmaskisyourtickettotalktomeinperson #skitterwouldwearadangmaskifshewereapeople #wearingamaskisthenewsexy #theattackothechristmasties #merryanniversarytous

My Bobblehead Pose

Here’s one of my two A CHRISTMAS STORY bobblehead figures: The Old Man and his leg lamp “major award.” Tie o’ the Day is all Ralphie in his new pajamas.

It appears to me that Skitter has possibly gotten into some neighbor’s medical marijuana. She’s awfully mellow, and she can’t quite fully open her eyes beyond these slits. She has pot eyes. She is, however, adding three of her four ties to her holiday total. (She wore the white tie last week, so it was counted already.)

Helen’s Holiday Tie Tally: 160 Neckties. 67 Bow Ties.

Skitter’s Holiday Tie Tally: 19 Neckties.

#bekindtoothers #wearthedangmask #idontwearmymaskbecauseilikeitiwearittosaveyourlife #wearingamaskdoesnotmeanyoucantthinkforyourselfitmeansyouunderstandbasicscience #justsayin

Just One Measly Christmas Tie Today

Naughty/Nice/I Tried Tie o’ the Day and I were up early this morning, writing down my day’s TO-DO list. One item was of particular peculiar interest. A friend of mine has a recipe for fruitcake that requires the cake to be soaked in brandy. She’s getting ready to make the fruitcake, but she is askeered to walk into a liquor store—probably for fear someone will see her there and trash her spotless reputation. I wish I’d known she needed brandy a few days ago when I was at the liquor store picking up Suzanne’s Christmas break libations.

Anyhoo… I volunteered to go fetch the brandy for my pal. With it being less than a week until Christmas, I knew there would be a line at the liquor store. However, I did not know that getting to the store just a couple of minutes after it opened would put me 26th in line. And five minutes later, there were at least that many people behind me in the line. Everyone was masked and cordial. Everyone minded the social distancing rules. It was the longest line I’ve yet been in during this holiday season, but it turned out to also be the speediest line I’ve been in. I watched Judge Judy episodes on my phone while I waited for my turn to enter the store, so I was completely content to wait. My reputation—whatever it is—remains intact.

Holiday Tie Tally: 155 Neckties. 67 Bow Ties.

Holiday Face Mask Tally: 9.

#mymaskismysuperhero #ilovemymom #theworldismymaskedoyster #ifeelespeciallygleefultodayalthoughidonotknowwhy #maybetheliquorstoremademefeeltipsy

It’s Mom’s World, And We’re All Just Living In It

Here’s the Tie o’ the Day which is hidden from view under the Santa/reindeer/wrapped presents Tie o’ the Day in the first snapshot.

I called Mom this morning to see how she’s doing at MCR. I ascertained from the shortest phone conversation I’ve ever had with her that she is swell and well and dandy. She didn’t have time to talk to her 56-year-old baby because she and the other residents were preparing to watch a movie together. I don’t know any of the specifics—like the title of the movie they would be viewing, or what the care center’s social distancing plan was. I trust MCR to have figured out all of the safety details. All I know is that while conversing ever so briefly with Mom, I could hear joyous chatting voices in the background. Helen Sr. sounded as happy as the proverbial lark. Mom sounded safe and comfortable and excited for her oncoming day. Although I felt kinda cheated out of the conversation we weren’t able to have because she was so busy living her life at 90, I must admit that I was thoroughly pleased with the situation to my core. What more could a 56-year-old baby girl ask for? Mom was comfortable and exuberant, so I guess you can say I already got my Christmas present for this year. If Mom is happy, I seriously do not need one other thing.

Holiday Tie Tally: 154 Neckties. 67 Bow Ties.