Pandemic Hair Was Inevitable

Got barber scissors? Tie o’ the Day has plenty.

Remember two years ago when I was growing out my hairs because y’all voted for me to grow it out for a whole 12 months? And remember when my hairs got so hideous that I created Hairs Thursday here, so you could see whatever hairsdo I could muster at that point? Well, I am inadvertently at it again. My last hairscut was at the beginning of February, right before we visited Nashville and then went into pandemic mode. I’m like Mom: I am picky about who cuts my hairs. In Centerville, I refuse to have anyone but Miss Tiffany do the honors, and she has not yet been available to chop my locks and shave the right half of my noggin hairs.

It seemed like Hairs Thursday’s were a success in the TIE O’ THE DAY chuckle department, so I’m gonna do them again for however long it takes Miss Tiffany to fit me in for my shearing.

Bling And Bands

Suzanne offered to model Bow Tie o’ the Day and Face Mask o’ the Day, along with my new “business cards.” I thought adding jewelry to the staging of the pic would add an extra dollop of visual interest for y’all. You’re now looking for the business cards, I’m sure.

Believe it or not, when I’m out and about, strangers often ask me what’s up with my neckwear—especially the bow ties. The sillier the neckwear, the better. I’m happy to listen to their comments and answer their questions. I tell ’em about this tblog, and sometimes they scribble a note to themselves about the tblog name. So I thought, “Hey! I need business cards to hand out.” But doing things the usual way is not very stand out-y, so I cogitated about what kind of business card isn’t really a normal business card. Ta-da! The wrist bands. That’s more me-y. I have to wear a few at a time so I have ’em handy to give inquisitive folks I meet along the way in my day.

FYI Suzanne loves every one of her rings, whether they’re valuable or plastic. She has eclectic taste in jewelry, but sticks close to vintage pieces. She regularly wears a particular vintage ring set which is beyond meaningful to me for a host of reasons: she wears Mom’s wedding ring. How cool is that?!