It’s A Win-Win Situation For Us

Ties o’ the Day assisted me in hanging the first Christmas decorations of the season. As I have previously mentioned, some people have a fireplace as the focal point of their living rooms. We do not. The focal point of our living room is Suzanne’s Ultimate SewingBox, so we’re pretending it is a fireplace– for the purpose of holiday decorations. As one of these photos shows, it truly does take up one entire wall in the living room. It’s one of the shorter walls in the room, but that wall is exactly where we’d put a fireplace if we chose to have one. A fireplace would have fit nicely here. We even thought of putting built-in bookshelves from floor to ceiling on this wall.

And then I discovered the existence of The Ultimate SewingBox, which changed the course of our living room history. Yup, it was I who found the product. I briefly debated not showing it to Suzanne. I knew that after she saw it she would never again be happy if she couldn’t have one, and I wasn’t sure I was ready for us to adopt the giant. After she saw the video of what The Ultimate SewingBox can do/hold, she fell in madly in love with it, as I knew she would. How could I not get her one?

How was it decided we place it in the living room? That was my idea too. Suzanne has a crafting/sewing room upstairs, and The Ultimate SewingBox was originally intended to live up there. And then I realized I would never see Suzanne again if that monstrous piece of furniture was ensconced in her crafting/sewing room. There is no power that would be able to pull her away from its many crafty, sew-y uses. Also, The Ultimate SewingBox would take up her whole sewing room. She wouldn’t even have room for the ironing board, so I said, “Hey, Suzanne, forget the floor-to-ceiling bookshelves. Forget any thought of a fireplace. The Ultimate SewingBox needs to be in the living room, right by my too-big tv.” This ensures we are both in the same room occasionally.

Suzanne expressed the tiniest bit of concern for me, wondering if the sewing machine noise would be a problem for me when I’m trying to watch tv. I asked her if she had ever heard of volume control. Needless to say, our tv volume is always unbelievably high. Sit somewhere in our yard if you want to listen to whatever tv program we’re watching.

I have been accused of being nice to Suzanne for getting her The Ultimate SewingBox, and then suggesting it should be in the living room. I am here to assure you I am not a nice person. I am incredibly selfish. I figure this whole Ultimate SewingBox escapade will keep Suzanne from ever again nagging me about anything– especially my ever-growing tie population. So you see, Suzanne’s Ultimate SewingBox is all about me.

HOLIDAY TIE TALLY: 26 Bow ties. 67 Neckties.

Lookin’ Better All The Time

Bow Ties o’ the Day are based on the movie, ELF. I figured situating them as a sort of frame around my scar would be an effective way to show all three. These bow ties are perfect examples of bow tie designs that didn’t quite cut it. The fabrics display prints with items far too difficult to see and decipher, especially if your eyes are not literally glued to Bow Ties. Good bow tie idea. Crappy design execution. But these imperfect critters needed a home, and The Tie Room does not discriminate. It welcomes neckwear with open drawers. There was no doubt I would bring these two orphans home from the Bow Tie Pound– to live among, and to be loved by, my entire collection of neckwear.

Believe it or not, family and friends occasionally still ask how my scar is healing. Even Mom asks to take a gander at it when I visit her. I now make sure to lift my shirt to show her only when we’re in her room. If I showed her anywhere else at the care center, she’d be telling me to show everybody else in our midst.

And yes, I actually made that mistake with Mom once. She wanted to see the as-yet-unnamed scar while we were sitting in a common area. I quickly and discreetly lifted my shirt a bit to show her, and she began calling others over to appreciate my healing gash. It’s not like I could be impolite and not show them, and I would do anything Mom asked me to do. So I showed ’em. Thanks, Mom.

I am not famous, but my scar appears to be famous and popular enough to get its own star on the Hollywood Walk of Fame.

Anyhoo… My scar is lightening up right on schedule. Clearly, I am not shy about showing off my dark pink scalpel line, but I’m trying to decide two things. First, my scar needs a name. In a post a few weeks ago, I asked for suggestions, but none of them struck me as exactly right. I’m asking again. Put on your cleverness, then send me names you think will properly fit a scar. If I end up choosing one of your suggestions, you’ll win a prize– a bow tie.

Second, I plan to get a tattoo which incorporates my scar in its design. For example, I’ve thought of turning it into a zipper tat. Again, I’m asking for your ideas. There is a bow tie prize connected to this too. If I choose your suggestion, you win.


HOLIDAY TIE TALLY: 26 Bow ties. 64 Neckties.