Hold Up A Minute!

It ain’t quite October yet, but I suppose it might be October in dog years. For some reason, Skitter thinks she can try on Halloween costumes already, even though the rule of the house is– and always has been– no Halloween preparation or talk is allowed until October 1st. Skitter’s working on her jester costume, I guess. Green and purple are a snappy clothing color duo. And a collar is a kind of neckwear too.

Bow Tie o’ the Day is one of my more exotic specimens. Its style is called a diamond point, and Bow Tie is made of cork. Maybe I’ll add some pizzazz to it by pinning small trinkets and notes on it. I mean– if you can pin a shopping list or a love note on a cork board, why not on a cork bow tie?


I Am A Woman Of Many Moods. Duh!

Bow Tie o’ the Day is one of my faves. Any bow tie with a paisley theme is always going to have a special place in my tie-wearin’ heart.

This morning, I’m in a mood I can only describe as “a thinkin’ ’bout mood.” And here is where my “thinking’ ’bout” has led me: I’ve had it with division. I’ve had it with we/they and us/them. We’re all God’s children, or none of us are. If one single human being loses, we all lose. A single individual’s loss diminishes us all. We are linked to everyone else on the planet.

Okay. My tiny, bigly rant ends there. But here I repost a poem by Miller Williams. It’s about feeling superior. It’s about “us” pretending we’re not “them.”


Have compassion for everyone you meet/ even if they don’t want it. What seems conceit,/ bad manners, or cynicism is always a sign/ of things no ears have heard, no eyes have seen./ You do not know what wars are going on/ down there where the spirit meets the bone./