100 Ounces Is Almost Enough

Wood floppy Bow Tie o’ the Day and I just returned from the mall’s tie store. We were last here in St. George in December, and that’s the only other time I’ve visited this particular tie store. But the manager remembered me, and she greeted me like we were decades-old tie pals. It’s not about me. It’s the power o’ the neckwear. 👔 Hey, here’s my replacement mini keg. (No ties on it. 😭) I didn’t mean to match-clash my keg and shirt, but I’m liking it. Serendipity happens! 🤡

I Really Am Here, Mom

I’m partial to neckwear and mustaches. Bow Tie o’ the Day is splitting the difference and sittin’ right in the middle, creating a snazzerrific Beard o’ the Day for me. Hey, it’s a look. Please note Suzanne’s sewing machine in the background. Yup, she hauled it with us to St. George, where she has been piecing together a bee-themed quilt top. Mom is quite intrigued by Suzanne’s sewing activity, and she checks Suzanne’s handiwork fifty times per day. Heck, I don’t think Mom even knows I’m here.