My Hobby Is Saner Than Your Hobby

Ties o’ the Day decked out Hombre for St. Paddy’s Day next week. Antenna Tie got the best deal, in my opinion. It flies in utter giddiness when we’re on I-15. Grill Tie, not so much. But Grill Tie is also pleased to travel AND simultaneously collect the bugs that go splat on it. Silly entomologist! (Or is the word “enTIEmologist?”) I don’t try to understand why otherwise normal beings have wacky hobbies, like collecting dead bugs. People who live in glass tie houses shouldn’t judge. 🚩 🐞 👔

Tie Parenting And My Top Limit

Ties o’ the Day got a bigly piece of my mind! I had a come-to-Jesus meltdown at them! LOUDLY! You parents know what it’s like when you’ve reached your limit with something your kids do. Or sometimes something they don’t do. The dishes weren’t done. The floors weren’t mopped or vacuumed. The laundry was stacked to the gills of the laundry room. Not one chore had been done, and there they sat on the loveseat, binge-watching THE CLOSER. My explosion is still raining down on them. 😡 ⛈