A Pancreas And A Tie Walk Into A Bar

Bow Tie o’ the Day classes me up. After wearing my new X-mas pj’s for two days, I’m adding a formal black-and-silver bow tie. It’s the perfect accessory for getting my gussy-up on. Suzanne’s been off work for a week so far, and I’ve already declared Pajama Day three times. Pajamas don’t keep us from accomplishing projects. Here, Suzanne is embroidering while clad in her pj’s. And while in mine, this afternoon I slipped on a magazine and accomplished throwing my Panky further out of whack. 😖

Dad’s Overalls Look Good With A Tie

Art Deco Tie o’ the Day is elated to be at-bat. I’m not kidding when I say the non-holiday neckwear has been jealous of the holiday ties. Despite my assurances, they were beginning to question whether they would ever have a chance to be worn again. When they saw me bin-up the Christmas ties, they cheered. And I cheered too. As much as I adore my flock o’ Christmas ties, I was tiring of the constant Ho/balls/Santa/tree theme. It feels good to be theme-less again.