
#2 Tie o’ the Day is a blue-ly Stacy Adams match with the pin-up gals on this hip and groovy shirt by the Gitman Bros. company. No, I do not wear this shirt to church. And I certainly wouldn’t wear it to church with my purple Pimp Jacket. That would be taking things way too far. I do have to confess that I have worn the Pimp Jacket to church a couple of times. With a plain white shirt underneath it, the jacket loses enough of its pimp-ness to be completely church-worthy. I think.

Tie o’ the Day promises to produce a special photo of the Pimp Jacket in action, in the near future. Note: The Pimp Jacket does not drive a purple Cadillac. 😈

Elementary Skills Are Elemental

Tie o’ the Day #1 is a mostly sky blue Stacy Adams, with iridescent plaid and paisles. Tie and I decided it was high time (pun intended) for it to learn the skill of telling time. As you can probably guess from this photo, Tie is near-sighted and, therefore, has to be up close to the wall clock in order to accomplish this educational feat.

If I remember accurately, I already knew how to tell time before I began my Delta Elementary student career. My student-hood began ignominiously. For one thing, I was a thumb-sucker and had not yet completely given up the habit. As a result, I accidentally on-purpose dropped my pencil under my desk quite often throughout the day, so I could grab a quick thumb-toke.

And then, for another example, there was Mrs. Harder, my 1st Grade teacher. She told Mom that she thought I was “retarded.” That was bigly fun for me to hear. Fortunately, Mom wasn’t retarded, so she knew that assessment of my mental abilities was not correct.

When Mom asked me to explain why Mrs. Harder might think I was less than capable, she was able to discern that I was pretty much mute (not moot) and skittish in Mrs. Harder’s classroom. You see, Mrs. Harder did not seem to have “an inside voice.” In fact, she didn’t “speak” at all. She hollered her words. Mom figured out that said loud voice frightened me to the point of complete silence, since I had never before in my life heard adults yell. 😱 Those extra decibels probably account for my need to take thumb breaks while I sat at my 1st Grade desk.

And you’ll be glad to know that I easily dropped that specific habit/need, when I went to 2nd Grade. Becuz Mrs. June B. Reid had an inside voice. 🙃

Attack O’ The Paisleys

Paisley is a fine design form for showcase on any piece of clothing. (It clashes  just by existing.) Paisley layered upon paisley, as in this photo, is even better. To me, paisley kinda looks like raindrop-shaped caterpillars. And paisley also looks like commas (Oxford commas, of course.) at a kegger: commas dancing while on a bigly buzz. Whatever the paisley form resembles, I adore every last paisle (my word) on the planet!

(Tie o’ the Day #2 is a deeeeeeep blue Stacy Adams product. The shirt is the one and only Tasso Elba in any of my closets. The vote is still going on about the shirt’s actual color. Feel free to chime in about it.)

It Is Time To Play, For Mutts And Me And Ties

Tie o’ the Day #1 and this pocketed shirt are about as clashy as ya can get. I call that fun. At the meat counter at Dick’s (wrong name for a grocery store) this morning, this look caused happy, bright eyes and compliments galore. There are the occasional “laughing at me” folks who gawk. But for the most part, Tie o’ the Day and I get thanks-for-the-fun-surprise folks looking in our direction. And, in turn, that makes Tie and I feel like we’ve done our job to inspire world peace.

Yesterday’s fantabulous get-up was such a hit that Suzanne made dinner reservations at Twigs, at Station Park, in Farmington so I could be seen in all my pure elegance. That was a blast, and the blackened trout with corn pudding was definitely tie-worthy.

Today, Suzanne is gonna duck out of work early to Champagne Garden Club (Yup, that’s a verb.) in Park City with the gals, leaving me to my own sinister freedom. I wonder what I’ll do. Don’t tell her, but I’m going to make a trek to the bigly city of Salt Lake to check out clearance ties. That’s how I roll. That’s my dastardly scheme.

Tie o’ the Day #1 will probably get a bit jealous of the other ties, especially if I bring one or two or a dozen home to live with us. But pretty soon, the old ties start playing with the new ties, and then the sibling rivalry turns into tie fun-and-games, 24/7.

[And, of course, our Tie o’ the Day #1 duds are from Stacy Adams and Bugatchi.]

Just Blingin’ Away With My Tie Bling

I am not a big fan of the bling concept. I’m a minimalist when it comes to jewelry. Less is more, where the jewels and precious metals come to play with my attire. A ring or two, a few sets of earrings, and the occasional bracelet–that about covers my accessory needs.

But lo! This cheapo necklace is a must-have for Tie o’ the Day purposes. Clash fashion benefits bigly from the here-and-there touches of clothing cleverness. A doohickey like this tie/necklace adds a fun wink to an already funky wardrobe choice. This is not anything remotely like a “wardrobe malfunction.” This is high style, built to delight those who observe you as you dance across the world’s stage.

Hula Ties Gone Wild

Tie o’ the Day #2 is a CHAPS gem. A coral tie with hula girls on it can never be a wrong thing to wear. And it looks extra groovy while paired with this Urban Pipeline short-sleeved button-down. The shirt has got yer palm trees, yer VW vans, yer umbrella drinks, yer sunglasses, etc. Wahoooooo!

Summer is within reach, tbloglodytes. Spring chilliness, rain, and the stupid wind exist to remind us to count our summer blessings when the tank top days finally arrive. Yes, it will start to get way too hot, and we will gripe about that. But then we’ll remember winter’s freeze-and-fog air, and then we should kiss the burning sidewalks in gratitude for the over-the-top heat. No more b-r-r-r-r-r!

Wanna live a happy life? Be present, wherever you are–no matter the climate or season. And be grateful and make some joy, in whatever presence you happen to inhabit at that moment in the eternal scheme.

Mom Does Not Wear Matching Pajamas

(Bow) Tie o’ the Day #1 is from the U.S. POLO ASSN. I love the white and purple polka dots on the navy blue background. (This photo makes the background appear purple, but trust me that it is blue.) Tie contrasts pleasantly with the sea foam-colored Bugatchi. When putting together the clash fashion contrast for your ‘fit, you want to make sure that either the shirt or the tie pops out from the other. The shirt does the popping out in this instance. Remember that you gotta be eye-catching, in order to make people smile.

In a half hour it will be time for Peggy to call to see if I’m ready to chauffeur her and Mom for our drinking and driving adventure. After Peggy’s call, I call Mom to make sure she gets dressed for our drive. She always manages to get dressed, sort of. By that, I mean that she puts on clothing, which is a jacket over her pajamas.

Mom rarely gets out of her pajamas these days. Aside from our ride, she doesn’t usually go anywhere. Just putters contentedly around her house. She dozes in small doses throughout each day. And she still cooks fabulous eats. Also–as I’m sure I’ve mentioned before–at 3 o’clock she watches Harry, then at 4 o’clock she watches Ellen. Mom is into those talk shows the same way I must have me some Judge Judy each day. (I bet most of you don’t know that Judge Judy is on six days per week. (They play one episode at 4 a.m, Tuesday through Saturday.) Our shows are like a religion to us both. We are unquestioningly devoted to them. 🙏

Out O’ The Closet

So I’m just going through some boxes in a storage closet this afternoon, and look what I see posing on a shelf! How could I resist giving the leg lamp and the X-mas tie a spotlight on Tie o’ the Day (#2), when they obviously tried so hard to get my attention? This is why I love ties! They are so clever. 🎄

Born To Run and Born To Be Wild

Howdy, Tie o’ the Day people! What a traveling morning Tie and I had! I knew we had a trip scheduled to bigly Richfield, so I jumped into my fave-rave Bugatchi of this spring season, and a striped, silk ARROW Tie o’ the Day #1 tie.

The Richfield trek was necessary cuz Peggy’s and Grant’s eye doctor is there, and they have old eyes, which require many examinations throughout the year. (See Cast o’ Folks page from this site’s menu, if you don’t know who the aforementioned people are.) Not only does Mom not drive anymore, neither Peggy nor Grant will/can drive anywhere that is located outside of Delta. Ans so, I have learned that when you are a writer with no set work hours, you are available to haul old people around to their various appointments.

Chauffeuring the aged and infirm to all corners of the state of Utah is not such a bad thing to do–especially if you are like me and you are going to die someday, and you need to bank as many good deeds as you can in the time you have left, so you can hope to get at least your pinky toe into Heaven.😟