Neckwear Knows How To Par-tay

Tie o’ the Day invaded my office in the loft a few minutes ago. I was busily doing the hunt-and-peck thing at my keyboard–writing money-making poetry, which doesn’t really make much money. And then much to my amusement, the scoundrel hopped up on the printer/copier to do what we’ve all done during office parties where the holiday punch was purposely spiked. Like each of us once did, Tie o’ the Day made copies of its butt! Yup, I did that once. Oops! (At least I did that before the internet, so I probably don’t have to be afraid the copies will show up anywhere in my future.)

Perhaps I haven’t always been the best example for my ties and bow ties. But Heck Tate,  that was way back in the 80’s. I have repented many times since then, for many 80’s things. And for the 90’s things. And for the 00’s and 10’s stuff too. As evidence of my contrition, I can show you dozens of pairs of jeans where the knees are worn completely out from my dropping to my knees to pray for forgiveness for my various missteps.

Gee, all that repenting makes me sound like a not-so-perfect person. I guess we are all in that same sailboat, huh? And I guess that’s the reason we are supposed to help each other move through the choppy waves of life. That’s what people are for. I’m gonna repeat something I’ve preached often: Things are meant to be used. People are meant to be loved.

Me And My Mumford and Sons Songs


Tie o’ the Day #1 (from Croft & Barrow) has been listening to Sia. Clearly, Tie decided it was “gonna swing from the chandelier.” Obviously, the tie hijinks is not out of Tie o’ the Day’s system. I don’t mind this tie action (and I do like the song) as much as I mind Tie singing “Chandelier” over and over, since tie does not have a pleasant singing voice.

I don’t mean to brag, but I have a spectacular singing voice–as long as I’m alone in the car belting loudly with every song on every cd I crank up. Currently, I am listening almost exclusively to Mumford and Sons cd’s. The band is an acquired taste, so I’m not necessarily advocating that you all try a listen. If you’re musically adventurous, I think you’ll be pleased with them though.

The joke in my family about Mom singing us to sleep is that it was effective in putting us to sleep because we were trying to get our consciousness away from hearing it. Even she knows she can’t carry a tune: she drops tunes when she gives singing a try. I suppose I got more from my mother than just her name.  If you’re in my car with me, I promise I won’t torture you with my “speshul” crooning voice.