Thank You, IRS

General Conference Bow Tie o’ the Day is just hangin’ around this morning with my new MacBook Pro. Bow tie is a lovely brown and navy blue paisley design by U.S. Polo Association. Laptop is courtesy of our tax refund. I am one slap-happy Camp Crafter camper! (Is it still called Camp Crafters?) No more lugging the desktop from C-ville to D-ville and back. Yay! It is my wholehearted opinion that every writer should own a laptop they don’t have to share with anydamnbody else. Just sayin’.

This morning, I have been packing up dvd’s and books for transport to C-ville. Where did they all come from? And what was I thinking when I thought I needed to buy the whole world?

For the most part, it’s actually relatively easy to decide what stays and what can go live somewhere else. It’s the question of where does the stuff that’s nixed go. Garbage? Yard sale? Thrift store? eBay? Things For Sale In Millard County website? Friends and relatives who might enjoy x, y, and/or z? How to divide it all up and get things to their right places is the quandary.

Why can’t we get burglarized and robbed (yes, they are two different crimes) sometime soon? That would solve so much thinking and effort. And then we could just junk all the empty boxes and bins that currently overfloweth The Beach House. I guess the insurance company wouldn’t be happy with having to cut a bigly check to us though. Let me repeat the word of our moving days: quandary.