Day Seven! Shirt #1. A Bugatchi.
I had reached my top nerve! But I didn’t throw in the beach towel. I found a solution that weighs a bit heavier around my neck. But it’s worth it. The second Tie o’ the Day is a paisley Dockers. I know you are wondering why I didn’t choose another green tie to go with The Tie o’ the Week argyle IZOD, but I needed a short break from the color as well.
I’m learning to tblog from my nook today. Thank you, Suzanne, for giving me another birthday present of setting up all this tblog site stuff on the nook for me, so I can tblog from anywhere I be–without lugging our desktop computer everywhere I travel. Suzanne also told me to get a laptop, so any store that sells Macs better get ready for our purchasing power.😃
I’m headed down to Deltabama this afternoon. And the plan is to bring Mom up north with me for a few days when I come back up. Mercedes is cleaning her genealogy stuff out of Mom’s room at P-view, as we speak. I’m sure a fun time will be had by all, as Aunt Molly used to write at the end of her Oak City column which appeared in The Chronicle every week–before privacy was invented.😉