Impatience Can Be a Virtue, Too

I am so bloody tired of this purty Tie o’ the Week!

Thursday, Day Five, Shirt #2. A CHAPS design again, as well. Will this tie horror ever end? It’s like the movie Groundhog Day, but with neckwear. Sing it with me, people: “I got you, tie.”

Suzanne says no one will fault me if I cease this particular tblog fashion experiment. But I told you I was going to do it, and so I will see it through to its completion. Call me Horton! “I meant what I said, and I said what I meant. A tie tblogger’s faithful one-hundred percent.”

I do think the experiment has been successful in proving the point that a single tie has the ability to create a variety of splendid clashes. But I’m still anxiously engaged in counting down the days. Can’t wait until Sunday morning’s Church Bow Tie!

Bargain, Bargains, Bargains!

Day Five, Shirt #1. CHAPS. I adopted this colorful shirt from Kohl’s yesterday, for a grand total of a bigly $1.34. According to the price tag, its price began at 60 buckaroos. I found it on the clearance rack priced at $16.50, after a couple of previous price reductions. And then…Voila! I had a $15 birthday coupon from Kohl’s, and I added to that a percent-off coupon, and the price fell to that bigly $1.34. Now that, I could afford.

I get such a thrill out of exercising my right to be thrifty. I could further improve my thriftiness on clothes, if I could manage to buy wardrobe from Deseret Industries. Alas, I get weebs and geebos when I try to wear pre-worn clothes, including ties, no matter how many times I wash or dry clean them. I’m not being snooty about it. It’s more of a phobia. I am, however, happy to donate to D.I. as much as possible.

I do want you all to know that my thrift has a couple more limits. I do not engage in extreme couponing, nor do I spend my days walking the aisles of stores in the hope of finding bargains: I have a real life, full of countless other things to do.🙃